
Showing posts with the label preparation

SharePoint 2010 - MSOCAF Prep Script

When operating on a hosted or Office 365 Dedicated (including BPOS-D) environment, you will need to utilize MSOCAF to both validate your code, do a test deployment, and submit to Microsoft. With the following cmdlet, you’ll need to set two environmental variables, CAF_ANALYSIS_ROOT_PATH, CAF_SHORTCUT_PATH. Basically, this MSOCAF cmdlet, allows you to simplify the process of testing individual solutions during your development cycle. This cmdlet will copy the files to the necessary location and launch MSOCAF directly. @echo off SET WSP=SolutionName.wsp SET PDB=SolutionName.pdb SET CAF_ANALYSIS_ROOT_PATH=%CAF_ANALYSIS_ROOT_PATH% SET CAF_SHORTCUT_PATH=%CAF_SHORTCUT_PATH% @echo on @echo. cls @echo. @echo Clearing Solutions artifacts folder… rmdir /s /q %CAF_ANALYSIS_ROOT_PATH%”\Caf Reports” rmdir /s /q %CAF_ANALYSIS_ROOT_PATH%”\Solutions artifacts\” md %CAF_ANALYSIS_ROOT_PATH%”\Solutions artifacts\” REM del /q %CAF_ANALYSIS_ROOT_PATH%”\Solutions artifacts\*.*” @echo. @echo Copying fil...